and answers
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
We've provided some frequently asked questions and answers below. Please feel free to get in touch if you have any other questions.
Where do you consult?
Assoc Prof Christopher Perry consults from 225 Wickham Tce, Brisbane
Dr Emily Perry consults from both 225 Wickham Tce, Brisbane and 5 Stanley Rd, Camp Hill
Where do you operate?
Assoc Prof Christopher Perry operates at Brisbane Private Hospital. He also operates on intermediate (uninsured) patients at Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital and Princess Alexandra Hospital.
Dr Emily Perry operates at Brisbane Private Hospital. She also operates at Lady Cilento Children's Hospital (including intermediate patients) and Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital.

What do I need to bring with me?
Please bring your....
Referral letter
Any relevant investigations, such as xrays and hearing tests
Your medicare card
Your health fund card, DVA card and pension cards
A list of your medications and allergies
Do I need a referral?
Yes. A referral tells your doctor why you have been sent, as well as your medical history and medications. It is also a requirement of Medicare, otherwise no rebate is available. A specialist referral lasts for 3 months. A GP referral lasts for 12 months.
Where can I park?
There is a commercial carpark on Bartley St (behind Watkins Medical Centre). There is also metered street parking on Wickham Tce. Central Station is within walking distance.
At Camp Hill Dental there is free, off-the-street parking. This includes disabled parking
Can I get there by public transport?
The Spring Hill Loop Bus Service travels to Wickham Terrace and there is a Bus Stop directly outside Watkins Medical Centre
Central Train Station is within walking distance. Jacob's Ladder staircase (red stairs) can be taken from Turbot St to Wickham Tce